Cloud Storage vs. Local Storage

September 15, 2021


In today's world, data storage has become a necessity for every business. The emergence of cloud technology has significantly impacted the accessibility of storage options available for companies. Although local storage remains a viable option, cloud storage has gained wide acceptance by businesses around the world. In this blog post, we will provide an unbiased comparison between cloud storage and local storage options, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Cloud Storage vs. Local Storage


Cost is a significant factor to consider when choosing between cloud storage and local storage options. Local storage options require businesses to purchase hardware to store their data, while cloud storage operates on a subscription model. Cloud storage allows businesses to pay only for the storage space they need, making it more cost-effective than local storage. According to Backblaze's cost per gigabyte analysis, cloud storage costs $0.005 per gigabyte, while local storage costs $0.03 per gigabyte, making cloud storage the cheaper option.


Accessibility is another factor to consider when choosing between cloud storage and local storage options. Local storage provides businesses with complete control over their data, and they do not have to rely on the internet. Cloud storage, on the other hand, provides businesses with accessibility from anywhere in the world, provided there's an internet connection. According to a study by Flexera, 80% of businesses prefer using cloud storage as it provides real-time access to data from anywhere, making it a more accessible option.


Security is a top priority when storing business-critical data. Local storage provides businesses with complete control over the security of their data. In comparison, cloud storage providers invest a considerable amount of resources in securing their cloud infrastructure. According to Forbes, cloud storage providers ensure data security by using advanced encryption methods and conducting regular security audits.


Scalability is a significant advantage for cloud storage over local storage options. In-house storage options require businesses to purchase additional hardware to increase storage space, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Cloud storage providers, on the other hand, offer scalability options that allow businesses to increase their storage capacity on-demand. According to Cisco, cloud providers offer scalable architecture that improves performance, security, and availability of applications.


When choosing between cloud storage and local storage options, businesses should consider various factors, such as cost, accessibility, security, and scalability. Cloud storage provides businesses with a more cost-effective, accessible, and scalable option, while local storage offers complete control over data security. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the business's specific needs and budget.


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